क्रम संख्या | प्रशिक्षण कार्यक्रम | कार्यक्रम की अवधि |
1 | Competency Development Programme for Group II personnel |
11/04/2012 to 14/04/2012 |
2 | Programme on Work Life Balance for Women Scientists and Officers |
30/04/2012 to 02/05/2012 |
3 | 4th Management Development Programme for Common Cadre Officers (Under-Secretaries/AO's & Section Officers Level) |
07/05/2012 to 11/05/2012 |
4 | Programme on S&T Communication and Presentation Skills |
23/05/2012 to 25/05/2012 |
5 | Programme on Effective Implementation of RTI Act (for Transparency Officers/AA & PIOs) |
30/05/2012 to 01/06/2012 |
6 | Programme on Creativity & Out-of-Box Thinking |
11/06/2012 to 13/06/2012 |
7 | Orientation Training Programme for Technical Group III personnel |
25/06/2012 to 29/06/2012 |
8 | Professional Skills Development Programme for PS/PAs/ Stenographers |
11/07/2012 to 13/07/2012 |
9 | Programme on Planning for Life after Retirement |
23/07/2012 to 25/07/2012 |
10 | Training Programme on Competency Development for Group-II Personnel |
06/08/2012 to 09/08/2012 |
11 | Induction Training Programme for Newly Recruited Scientists |
26/08/2012 to 04/09/2012 |
12 | Programme on Project Management: Tools & Techniques |
19/09/2012 to 21/09/2012 |
13 | Workshop on "Launch of CSIR Cluster Innovation Scale-Up Programme" |
27/09/2012 to 28/09/2012 |
14 | Training Programme for Officials from CGPDTM |
10/10/2012 to 12/10/2012 |
15 | Programme on Taxation Laws - Direct and Indirect Taxes |
15/10/2012 to 16/10/2012 |
16 | Workshop on Policies & Procedures in Finance & Accounting |
18/10/2012 to 19/10/2012 |
17 | Training Programme on Innovation: begin doing right away |
01/11/2012 to 03/11/2012 |
18 | Training for ERP HR Portal related processes and configuration of HR Processes |
05/11/2012 to 06/11/2012 |
19 | Programme on S&T Communication and Presentation Skills |
29/11/2012 to 01/12/2012 |
20 | Orientation Training Programme for Newly promoted Section Officers/Assistants/Private Secretaries under LDCE 2012 |
17/12/2012 to 26/12/2012 |
21 | Training Programme on Research Methodology and Science Communication for PGRPE - 2012 Batch (Group -A) |
06/01/2013 to 16/01/2013 |
22 | Training Programme on Research Methodology and Science Communication for PGRPE - 2012 Batch (Group -B) |
06/01/2013 to 16/01/2013 |
23 | Training Programme on Research Methodology and Science Communication for PGRPE - 2012 Batch (Group -C) |
06/01/2013 to 16/01/2013 |
24 | Training Workshop of CSIR-TRISUTRA: Prakriti Methods of Ayurveda |
21/01/2013 to 24/01/2013 |
25 | Induction Training Programme for Newly Recruited Scientists |
27/01/2013 to 05/02/2013 |
26 | Orientation Training Programme for PS/PAs'/Sr. Stenographers |
18/02/2013 to 22/02/2013 |
27 | Programme on Taxation Laws - Direct and Indirect Taxes |
25/02/2013 to 26/02/2013 |
28 | Capacity Building Programme for Section Officers / Assistants recruited through CASE 2009 |
25/02/2013 to 06/03/2013 |
29 | Programme on Competency Development for Technical Group II Personnel |
11/03/2013 to 14/03/2013 |
30 | Programme on Work Life Balance for Women Scientists and Common Cadre Officers |
20/03/2013 to 22/03/2013 |
31 | प्रशिक्षण कार्यक्रम: राजभाषा कार्यान्वयन- एक नया दृष्टिकोण (COA/AO/F&AO/S&PO/SOs) |
21/03/2013 to 23/03/2013 |