सीएसआईआर - मानव संसाधन विकास केंद्र
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Council of Scientific & Industrial Research
Home >> Past Programmes >> April 2011 - March 2012

April 2011 - March 2012

S No. Training Programmes Duration of Programme
1 Orientation Training Programme for Section Officers, Private Secretaries and Assistants appointed under LDCE
11/04/2011 to 29/04/2011
2 Induction Training Programme for Executive Assistant (Batch I - Phase II)
11/04/2011 to 29/04/2011
3 Refresher Training Programme for Assistants and Section Officers at AMPRI, Bhopal
02/05/2011 to 06/05/2011
4 High-end Workshop for Transparency Officers/Appellate Authorities and PIOs of CSIR System
10/05/2011 to 12/05/2011
5 Induction Training Programme for Section Officers and Executive Assistants ( Batch II- Phase II)
09/05/2011 to 27/05/2011
6 Competency Development Programme for Technical Officers
20/06/2011 to 24/06/2011
7 Training Programme on Research Methodology: Multivariate Methods
04/07/2011 to 08/07/2011
8 Training Programme on Emotional Intelligence for Managerial Efficiency
18/07/2011 to 20/07/2011
9 Management Development Programme for SOs (Administration/ Purchase/ Finance)
25/07/2011 to 29/07/2011
10 Training Programme on Research Methodology and Statistical Methods: Designing for Breakthrough
16/08/2011 to 20/08/2011
11 Training Programme on Crafting Effective S&T Communication
24/08/2011 to 26/08/2011
12 राजभाषा कौशल विकास प्रशिक्षण कार्यक्रम
29/08/2011 to 31/08/2011
13 Training Programme on Planning for Life after Retirement
12/09/2011 to 14/09/2011
14 Training Programme on Crafting and Managing R&D Projects
19/09/2011 to 23/09/2011
15 Professional Skills Development Programme For PS/PA/ Stenographer
28/09/2011 to 30/09/2011
16 Induction Training Programme for Newly Recruited Scientists
10/10/2011 to 19/10/2011
17 2nd Management Development Programme for Common Cadre Officers (Under Secretary & Section Officers Level)
14/11/2011 to 18/11/2011
18 Training Programme on Competence Development for Technical Officers
28/11/2011 to 02/12/2011
19 राजभाषा कौशल विकास प्रशिक्षण कार्यक्रम CoAs/AOs के लिए
01/12/2011 to 03/12/2011
20 Programme on Planning for Life after Retirement
21/12/2011 to 23/12/2011
21 Research Methodology and Communication for PGRPE - 2011 Trainee Scientists (Group-1)
27/12/2011 to 08/01/2012
22 Research Methodology and Communication for PGRPE - 2011 Trainee Scientists (Group-2)
28/12/2011 to 08/01/2012
23 Professional Skills Development Programme for PS/ PAs/ Stenographers
18/01/2012 to 20/01/2012
24 Achieving Excellence @ Workplace
30/01/2012 to 01/02/2012
25 राजभाषा कौशल विकास प्रशिक्षण कार्यक्रम (DFA/COFA/F&AO) के लिए
01/02/2012 to 03/02/2012
26 3rd Management Development Programme for SOs/Under Secretaries Level Officers of Administration, Finance and Purchase Stream
06/02/2012 to 10/02/2012
27 Programme on S&T Communication & Presentation Skills
15/02/2012 to 17/02/2012
28 Workshop on HR Development in CSIR
22/02/2012 to 24/02/2012
29 राजभाषा कौशल विकास प्रशिक्षण कार्यक्रम(SPO/COSP) के लिए
01/03/2012 to 03/03/2012
30 Induction Training Programme for Newly Recruited Scientists
18/03/2012 to 27/03/2012