सीएसआईआर - मानव संसाधन विकास केंद्र
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वैज्ञानिक तथा औद्योगिक अनुसंधान परिषद
Council of Scientific & Industrial Research
Home >> Past Programmes >> April 2014 - March 2015

April 2014 - March 2015

S No. Training Programmes Duration of Programme
1 3rd Leadership Development Programme (Module 4)
20/04/2014 to 23/04/2014
2 Skill Development Programme for Assistants (For CSIR - CRRI)
21/04/2014 to 25/04/2014
3 Induction Training Programme for Scientists
20/04/2014 to 29/04/2014
4 Skill Development Programme for Assistants (Batch - II) (For CSIR - NAL)
19/05/2014 to 23/05/2014
5 Skill Development Programme for Assistants (Batch - I) (For CSIR - NAL)
19/05/2014 to 23/05/2014
6 Training Programme on Crafting Effective S&T Communication
26/05/2014 to 28/05/2014
7 Programme on Effective Implementation of RTI Act for Appellate Authorities and PIOs
29/05/2014 to 31/05/2014
8 Skill Development Programme for Assistants (For CSIR - NIO)
02/06/2014 to 06/06/2014
9 Refresher Training Programme for Section Officer (G)/Assistants
12/06/2014 to 14/06/2014
10 Orientation Training Programme for Group III Personnel
14/07/2014 to 18/07/2014
11 Induction Training Programme for Assistants Grade - I Recruited under CASE - 2013
23/06/2014 to 25/07/2014
12 Skill Development Programmes for Assistants and Stenographers ( for CSIR-SERC & CSIR Cx.)
18/08/2014 to 22/08/2014
13 Skill Development Programmes for Assistants and Stenographers ( for CSIR-CLRI)
18/08/2014 to 22/08/2014
14 Programme on Work Life Balance for Women Scientists and Officers
25/08/2014 to 27/08/2014
15 CSIR-Advanced Leadership Development Programme
01/09/2014 to 05/09/2014
16 Skill Development Programmes for Assistants and Stenographers ( for CSIR-CCMB & CSIR-NGRI and CSIR-IICT)
08/09/2014 to 12/09/2014
17 Training Programme on Emerging Trends in Material Managements for CoSps & SPOs
22/09/2014 to 23/09/2014
18 राजभाषा नीति के कार्यान्वयन की अनिवार्यता एवं व्यवहारिकता पर प्रशिक्षण कार्यक्रम (हिन्दी पदाधिकारियों के लिए)
29/10/2014 to 31/10/2014
19 Programme on Managerial Effectiveness for Technical Officers
10/11/2014 to 12/11/2014
20 Skill Development Programme for Assistants and Stenographers ( for CSIR - NEIST )
10/11/2014 to 14/11/2014
21 Workshop on Science Dissemination and Brand Building
13/11/2014 to 15/11/2014
22 2nd CSIR Advance Leadership Development Programme
17/11/2014 to 21/11/2014
23 Skill Development Programmes for Assistants and Stenographers ( for CSIR-NPL)
01/12/2014 to 05/12/2014
24 Programme on Preventive Vigilance in Works & Services (for CSIR - IICT and nearby Laboratories)
11/12/2014 to 12/12/2014
25 Skill Development Programmes for Assistants and Stenographers ( for CSIR-CGCRI and CSIR-IICB)
15/12/2014 to 19/12/2014
26 Induction Training Programme for Newly Recruited Scientists
15/12/2014 to 24/12/2014
27 Training Programme on Research Orientation for PGRPE - 2014 Batch
27/12/2014 to 04/01/2015
28 Skill Development Programme for Assistants and Stenographers ( for CSIR Hq. )
12/01/2015 to 16/01/2015
29 Programme on Preventive Vigilance in Works & Services (for CSIR - NCL and nearby Laboratories)
20/01/2015 to 21/01/2015
30 राजभाषा नीति के कार्यान्वयन की अनिवार्यता एवं व्यवहारिकता पर प्रशिक्षण कार्यक्रम (प्रशासन नियंत्रकों/प्रशासनिक अधिकारियों के लिए )
29/01/2015 to 30/01/2015
31 Programme on Preventive Vigilance in Works & Services (for CSIR - CDRI and nearby Laboratories)
05/02/2015 to 06/02/2015
32 Training - Cum - Interaction Programme on upgraded IMPACT Software for COFAs/F&AOs
12/02/2015 to 13/02/2015
33 Refresher Training Programme for Section Officer (G)
16/02/2015 to 18/02/2015
34 Programme on Preventive Vigilance in Works & Services (for CSIR - IMTECH and nearby Laboratories)
23/02/2015 to 24/02/2015
35 Skill Development Programme for Assistants and Stenographers ( for CSIR - CIMFR )
23/02/2015 to 27/02/2015
36 3rd CSIR - Advanced Leadership Development Programme
23/02/2015 to 27/02/2015
37 Orientation Training Programme for Technical Group III Personnel
23/03/2015 to 27/03/2015