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Council of Scientific & Industrial Research
Home >> Past Programmes >> April 2015 - March 2016

April 2015 - March 2016

S No. Training Programmes Duration of Programme
1 The Art of Public Speaking and Technical Writing Workshop
15/04/2015 to 17/04/2015
2 Programme on Effective Implementation of RTI Act and Record Management
23/04/2015 to 25/04/2015
3 Workshop on Ethics and Values in Public Governance (For Labs. Located in Northern India)
20/05/2015 to 22/05/2015
4 Skill Development Programme for Assistants and Stenographers (for CSIR - IMTECH)
25/05/2015 to 29/05/2015
5 Skill Development Programme for Assistants and Stenographers (for CSIR - CSIO)
25/05/2015 to 29/05/2015
6 Competency Development Programme in Financial Accounting for Assistants (Gr.I/II/III)
01/06/2015 to 12/06/2015
7 4th CSIR Leadership Development Programme
22/06/2015 to 02/07/2015
8 Training Programme on Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace: Preventions, Redressals & Procedures
16/07/2015 to 17/07/2015
9 Induction Training Programme for Scientists
20/07/2015 to 29/07/2015
10 Competency Development Programme in Financial Accounting for Assistants
03/08/2015 to 14/08/2015
11 Programme on Work Life Balance for Women Scientists and Officers
19/08/2015 to 21/08/2015
12 Capacity Building Programme for Technical Officers
24/08/2015 to 28/08/2015
13 4th CSIR - Leadership Development Programme (Module 4)
01/09/2015 to 04/09/2015
14 Refresher Training Programme for Section Officers (F&A)
07/09/2015 to 11/09/2015
15 Programme on Managerial Effectiveness for newly promoted AOs/US/F&AOs/SPOs
14/09/2015 to 18/09/2015
16 Skill Development Programme for Assistants (for CSIR-CDRI)
05/10/2015 to 09/10/2015
17 डिजिटल मीडिया के माध्यम से हिंदी में विज्ञान संचार विषय पर कार्यशाला
14/10/2015 to 16/10/2015
18 Skill Development Programme for Assistants ( for CSIR - IHBT)
02/11/2015 to 06/11/2015
19 The Art of Public Speaking and Technical Writing Workshop
18/11/2015 to 20/11/2015
20 5th CSIR Leadership Development Programme
07/12/2015 to 17/12/2015
21 Skill Development Programme for Assistants (for CSIR - IIP)
14/12/2015 to 18/12/2015
22 Training Programme on Research Orientation for the AcSIR Candidates of Integrated M.Tech. - Ph.D in Engineering
27/12/2015 to 04/01/2016
23 Skill Development Programme for Assistants (for CSIR - IMMT)
04/01/2016 to 08/01/2016
24 Capacity Building Programme for Technical Officers
05/01/2016 to 09/01/2016
25 6th CSIR Leadership Development Programme
11/01/2016 to 21/01/2016
26 Induction Training Programme for Scientists
01/02/2016 to 10/02/2016
27 Demonstration cum Workshop on e-Procurement
15/02/2016 to 16/02/2016
28 Training Programme on Good Governance and Transparency
18/02/2016 to 20/02/2016
29 5th CSIR Leadership Development Programme (Module IV)
22/02/2016 to 25/02/2016
30 Programme on New Models of Partnership and Technology Transfer
09/03/2016 to 11/03/2016
31 6th CSIR Leadership Development Programme (Module IV)
14/03/2016 to 17/03/2016