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वैज्ञानिक तथा औद्योगिक अनुसंधान परिषद
Council of Scientific & Industrial Research
Home >> Past Programmes >> April 2010 - March 2011

April 2010 - March 2011

S No. Training Programmes Duration of Programme
1 Crafting Effective S&T Communication
07/04/2010 to 09/04/2010
2 Comprehensive Training Programme on Reservation in Service and Maintenance of Rosters
09/04/2010 to 12/04/2010
3 Interactive Meet of the Chairpersons of CSIR KRCs
15/04/2010 to 16/04/2010
4 Refresher Training Programme for Assistants (F&A)
26/04/2010 to 01/05/2010
5 Workshop on Effective Implementation of the RTI Act 2005
06/05/2010 to 07/05/2010
6 Refresher Training Programme for SO (G)
10/05/2010 to 14/05/2010
7 Orientation Programme for newly promoted Senior PS/PS/PAs
24/05/2010 to 26/05/2010
8 Research Methodology & Communication for PGRPE Candidates
06/06/2010 to 13/06/2010
9 Programme on Planning for Life After Retirement
14/06/2010 to 16/06/2010
10 Programme on Purchase Effectiveness for common cadre Section Officers
28/06/2010 to 01/07/2010
11 Induction Training Programme for Scientists
04/07/2010 to 13/07/2010
12 Entrepreneurship Development Programme
26/07/2010 to 31/07/2010
13 Refresher Training Programme for SO (F & A)
16/08/2010 to 21/08/2010
14 Orientation Training Programme for Appointees on Compassionate Grounds
14/09/2010 to 17/09/2010
15 Training Programme on R&D Project Management
20/09/2010 to 24/09/2010
16 Training Programme on Competency Development for Technical Officers
28/09/2010 to 01/10/2010
17 Workshop on Self Effectiveness at Workplace
25/10/2010 to 27/10/2010
18 Training Programme on Planning for Life after Retirement
28/10/2010 to 30/10/2010
19 Training Programme on Competency Development for Technical Officers
09/11/2010 to 12/11/2010
20 Induction Training Programme for Newly Recruited Section Officers and Executive Assistants
22/11/2010 to 23/12/2010
21 Training Programme on Research Methodology and Communication for PGRPE Candidates
27/12/2010 to 09/01/2011
22 Refresher Training Programme for Assistants and Stenographers at IMMT, Bhubaneswar
10/01/2011 to 14/01/2011
23 Orientation Programme for Section Officers, Private Secretaries & Assistants Appointed through LDCE
01/02/2011 to 18/02/2011
24 2nd Induction Training Programme for Newly Recruited Section Officers and Executive Assistants
17/01/2011 to 18/02/2011
25 Training Programme on Research Methodology and Statistical Methods - Designing for Breakthroughs
21/02/2011 to 25/02/2011
26 Refresher Training Programme for Assistants and Section Officers at NIIST, Thiruvananthapuram
21/02/2011 to 25/02/2011
27 Training Programme on Competency Development for Technical Officers
22/02/2011 to 25/02/2011
28 Induction Training Programme for Newly Recruited Scientists
07/03/2011 to 17/03/2011
29 Training Programme on Planning for Life after Retirement
28/03/2011 to 30/03/2011